I'm gay and I buaya, you?

Buaya - Malay language for 'Crocodile'. Also used connotatively to describe cheeky men who are into sex... :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Niu Year!

Happy Niu Year!!!

The past few weeks had been extremely busy for me! So, apologies that I had not been updating anything at all!

Well, today is my first day of work, after resting for the first 3 days of CNY. The coming weeks will be relatively less busy but still work-packed for me... Thus, it is likely that I will reduce posting le... :p

But, nevertheless, I will try to keep my posting rate constant... And hot... kekeke...

So, here's wishing all those who still read my blog, a Happy Lunar new Year! May all of you stay happy and joyful! :)

Friday, January 02, 2009

Back to the Island!


Finally... :p

I needed some sleep siah... Hahaha...

Din get to sleep well during my holidays one... :p First night cannot sleep cos new environment, then boy will start snoring cos he gets too tired from the walking and then i start to snore cos too tired from not sleeping well and walking and then boy snores more cos i keep him awake with my snoring... LOL! :p


Happy New Year!

Now, getting busy with work and getting ready for the Chinese New Year! A lot of bills to pay and a lot more stuff to buy...

Will post stories later... :p

Oh, I think I will re-activate the shout box now... :p