I'm gay and I buaya, you?

Buaya - Malay language for 'Crocodile'. Also used connotatively to describe cheeky men who are into sex... :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Life is...

... is what?

How do you see life? Has your life been treating you well?

As mentioned, I was not in the best of mood for some time... But I also realised that some of my friends are also not in the best of shape at the moment... And I am not meaning their body shape... I mean their life...

I can't sleep and sent a message to a friend at 2plus in the morning... I wrote this: '人生就像一条山路,不易走。有许多滑坡,弯曲不平的部分。有朋友一起陪着走会比较轻松,不过累了就该歇会儿。一定要记得,路还是要得走完。朋友还是会在等你。' I think I was being a little too emo again... But I guess I had summarised what I wanted to hear from others also... That life is not an easy road to travel on but we need to move on, take it in stride, rest when necessary and try to enjoy the trip with friends...

Why is it that i can say such things to friends but i can't it to myself?

Anyway, I just wanna say a big 'THANK YOU' to whoever considers themselves as friends to the Buaya. Not many people wanna recognised as my friends and not many even wanna be known as knowing me... Thus I appreciate those who are with me and consider me as their friend. :)

Life is not treating me well... I am gay, I dun have friends to grow up with, I am not rich, I dun have a lot of things a lot of other people have now, I never learnt to play the piano, or the guitar, I dun have the will to stay fit, I am balding, I am fat but not a stock or a cub or a chub, I am not handsome, I am geeky, I am nerdy but I am an IT idiot, I am addicted to sex, I am a slut, I cannot feel the sextisfaction of being a bottom at all, I have a boyfriend who dun seem to like sex with me and whom I feel is always taking me for granted, I do not have a job that pays well, I can't find a job that will pay me well, I dunno what I wanna work as, I dun know what I wanna be... especially in life.

But I guess, I should be glad that although life is not treating me well, it is not treating me THAT badly... I should not fall out with my life... Sometimes, it will win, sometimes, I win. I guess I should learn to deal with it... Without much negativity and disturbing thoughts...

Urghhhh!... Haiz... I need a break... I really need a rest...

Thanks for reading...


Blogger Chris said...

Hugs...I will light a candle in church today that you will find a job that you like and that everything else will get better for you.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Happy in Singapore said...


You life ain't that bad, my dear. Just persevere.. I know your big break will be coming soon.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Leon Koh said...

there is no such thing as the best option.. you just have to make with the the better option whenever you get a choice

btw..you have to put in a little more effort to work things out..

life is not treating you well becuase you are a gay? Are you sure ALL straights are happy souls??

dun have friends to grow up with? go take up a sport, a drawing class, a hobbyist forum and you will sure to get many friends

life is not treating you well becuase you are not rich? I have to tell you rich people may not necessary be happy.. they always have to beware of cut throat competition, work super long hours or face being replaced..you want to lead that kind of life?

You dun have a lot of things a lot of other people have now? well you have a bf and I have yet to find one.. how's that?

You never learned to play the piano, or the guitar, you dun have the will to stay fit? well stop giving yourslf excuses. Just go out there and do it. I will be taking my piano course soon!

You are balding, and fat, not handsome? How about those people without hands and legs?

You're geeky, nerdy and IT idiot? so of the most successful people in business doesn't know what to do all these too.. they engage an assisstant to do it. save them time

and for the rest.. guess you are just being lazy...

when was the last time you did something new?

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

buaya伯伯 ,

沮丧或消沉不过是人生的一个过程...去看场电影或到海边散散心吧...你也要为你的人生立定目标...肥的话, 就减肥呀..不fit的话, 就去跑跑步呀...哎..可能不是懒啦..懒的话, 你也不会再涂涂写写了..leon koh 不也建议你去学点新鲜的hobby 吗..

你看, 我们不都在这里鼓励你吗...?

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



9:20 PM  
Blogger Ah Kiong said...

wow... haven't read your blog for awhile and when i do read, i m seeing this...
jia you k

10:45 PM  
Blogger Buaya said...

Wow... Thanks, guys...

Thanks, Leon... Sometimes I need someone to kick me... Seriously...

Anyway, I am trying to do something... But like Leon said, I think I am too lazy... And as my friend SS mentioned, I think I am too easily influenced...

1:45 AM  

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