I'm gay and I buaya, you?

Buaya - Malay language for 'Crocodile'. Also used connotatively to describe cheeky men who are into sex... :)

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Image makeover time?

Well well...

I never thought I need to do this...

Apparently, I had gone past the stage where people look at me and ask if if I am of a younger age than I actually is... Up till last year, I still get queries if I just reached 30 or 31... The numbers are not much less than my actual age, but still younger...

Unfortunately... The past few months had seen people thinking I am either in my mid to late 30s or even worse *gasp* that I am in my 40s!!! *double gasp*

I have no idea what changed... Is it that I had put on weight? Is it the lack of (good) sleep due to stress and depression? Is it due to me losing hair? Or is it really due to what I wear??

Ever since dear friend, B, was made to go through an image makeover. everyone had been swooning over him... Kekeke... And indeed, he had looked many many times more attractive than before... In fact, there is a memorable incident when all of us know and some of us witness of how he scored almost immediately, while not intentionally hunting... :p

Maybe it is time for me to change and have a makeover... Throw away all my 'uncle' clothes (Ya ya, SS, I KNOW the clothes I have are uncle...) and buy new, trendy (and yet suitable for work) ones to wear... Boy already complaining I am looking older and older...

Not to mention, really get my fat ass to work and go swim during the weekends and to actually get a gym membership...

Who can I trust to advise me on the makeover? Maybe I can start with the other members of the Gang of 4... :p

But... Do I really need to do it? Hmm...

Ps: I tried to keep a mustache but the guys told me it made me looked even older... Gosh... What is wrong with me? :p


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ko...you are fine the way you are la...cute

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just my 2 cents, if u wanna look youthful...stay clean-cut. Save the fuzz for when you go on Survivor heheh.

8:54 PM  

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