I'm gay and I buaya, you?

Buaya - Malay language for 'Crocodile'. Also used connotatively to describe cheeky men who are into sex... :)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Tired out...

Ya... been feeling tired...

And generally more tired than any other time before... I think I had not been getting enough sleep... Well, the weather's not helping, either... Before inviting the guys over for a potluck session some time back, the filter for my fish tank in my room was making a lot of noise and they became louder at night... when everything else is quiet...

I thought everything will be settled after the potluck cos I gave the filter a good wash and the noise problem was solved...

But I guess the filter noise was never the problem...

I tend to have 2 problems...

1) I dun like to stay at home. I dunno why... I am a homely person. I hate the weather now, it is too damn hot outside and I perspire like crazy. I hate spending too much money on petrol and food etc when I was outside... But I just dun wanna go home... I think it might be because I have nothing much to say to my parents and my siblings had married and moved out... And my parents might just start talking about me anytime... So, I ended up cooped in my room with the aircon, cable and laptop on and logged on to IRC chatting to the guys on #blowingwind... So in the end, I tend to want to stay out till very late... and then just return home to shower and sleep... Haiz...

2) I dun wanna sleep... I dunno why... I LOVE to sleep... I am tired and I wanna sleep... But when it is time to sleep, I dun want to do it. I will struggle to log off IRC or switch off the tv... I am not sure if it really is work... I had began to
develop an idea that sleeping is a waste of time... Like there are plenty of stuff to do and sleeping just prevents me from doing them... And also... once I wake up, it is time to go to work!... Double haiz...

What is wrong with me??? Now in office, I WANNA sleep... Sheesh...

Think I will actually go home early today... Had not been meeting the guys for dinner/supper since lunch on Sunday... Feels weird... But I think everyone's a little tired and worn out by the weather... Just wondering if I will actually sleep early, before 12mn, I mean...


Blogger Vincent said...

Ya, I have the same problem with you. I feel like having more energy in the night than in the afternoon. And, when it comes to work, all is sleepy.. sigh..

10:06 PM  
Blogger Leon Koh said...

go take a picture of yourself looking tired non chalant and doing nothing :)

9:13 AM  

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