The Curse of the Mummy...
I HATE the movie series, 'The Mummy'...
I believe I suffered from the 'curse of the mummy'...
Well... The last movie I watched with my first ex is 'The Mummy'... We broke up shortly thereafter...
When 'The Mummy 2' came about, I suffered another breakup...
And so, when the newest movie from the 'Mummy' series is showing, I am really worried... I had already told boy that I will NEVER watch the movie...
I am kinda scared I will lose boy due to this 'curse'...
On Saturday TCS showed 'The Scorpion King', a pre-quel to 'The Mummy 2'... And I saw the movie before realising is is a pre-quel... I wonder if...
Well... I wonder if I am just thinking too much...
Anyway, we are meeting less and less these days... Nowadays, we only get to meet twice a week... and only once last week...
Face the reality and break the curse. If you two could pass the "mummy" test, you two can be together. Wish you good luck.
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