I'm gay and I buaya, you?

Buaya - Malay language for 'Crocodile'. Also used connotatively to describe cheeky men who are into sex... :)

Friday, July 04, 2008

Fucked up...

*Sigh*... I am so fucked up...

I arranged to meet a few friends for dinner... But as I had about 1hr before the meeting time, I decided to check out a cruisy toilet and was so caught up in the need to prove myself and find something, I forgot to inform this friend that I will be late and he waited for me for more than 15 minutes... alone...

In the end, he left the place before we meet for dinner... Immediately, I feel so fucked up...

I dunno why I let it happen... I was not even horny... There were no guys there half the time and the other half the time, when the guys were there, they were not even interested in me!... I dunno what happened but I was very determined that I need to, that I want to, get a man. And I just let that took over me...

And I hurt a friend... who ended up leaving hungry...

Although I apologised, I still feel very very very bad...

I was quite upset with myself... I let sex ruled and I hurt a friend.

I was not even horny.

I am so fucked up.

What is wrong with me??



Blogger sgboy said...

No you are not fucked up....we all have our moments....Ok it is bad of you for not informing your friend about your little trip to the toilet but it is only 15 mins! If your friend cannot wait for a mere 15 mins than I say you better off dining alone don't feel too and please do not be too hard on yourself.

4:44 AM  
Blogger Vincent said...

It's ok. We might slip once or twice, take it as a lesson. You already feel very bad about it, so I believe you're a good person. However, how come is there no phone call?

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i knew of someone who had quickie and made me waited for abt 15 min too, i found my excuse and left...

7:10 PM  

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