I'm gay and I buaya, you?

Buaya - Malay language for 'Crocodile'. Also used connotatively to describe cheeky men who are into sex... :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tropic Thunder

I was wondering if it is 'safe' to watch another Ben Stiller commedy... Most of such shows are stupid and not so funny anymore... But Tropic Thunder is quite different... Apart from some stupid jokes... *rolleyes*

Basically, Tropic Thunder is about some actors making a war movie and end up in a real-life kidnapping situation with a drug gang in the jungles. Ignore how the guys got to where they are and how they managed to do so etc... Cos it makes no sense... The actors were supposed to be in South Eastern Vietnam but a short helicopter ride took them to the Golden Triangle... across at least 2 international borders... and the drug gang speaks Mandarin... *rolleyes* Anyway... The actors have to get themselves out of the situation and and then win some awards... :p

This movie stars big names... Besides, Ben Stiller, there is Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr and *gasp* Tom Cruise!... :p I did not know About Cruise until the credits start to roll... Hahahaha! :p

Overall, I think this movie is quite watchable... There are some gross jokes, particularly about eating meat off a freshly blow off human head... *vomit* But otherwise, the movie is actually, rather enjoyable... :p

More information on the movie can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropic_Thunder

Thanks for reading...



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