I'm gay and I buaya, you?

Buaya - Malay language for 'Crocodile'. Also used connotatively to describe cheeky men who are into sex... :)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Busy busy busy

Sheesh... I was so busy, I have no time to post!... And I suffered a terrible backache! It was so bad I almost could not walk... Went to Mr Tery Teo for a massage. I must say, he is very professional... And he can be quite cute to talk to. We have a little generation gap but he is oh so inquisitive... Haha... He asked about me and my boy and then actually show me his boy's photo... It was so sweet, as the pic showed the both of them posting for the camera... How I wish I can still be attached at his age... And hopefully to the same boy!

Oh, talking about my boy... He's out again... with his friends... I am learning to not to ask too much and just let him be. To try to trust him when he says he is really just going out with friends and watching midnight show with them. Images still pop up that it is a 'he' he is meeting and the midnight show is actually a 'porn show' but I am actively trying to shelf those thoughts.

Lesson learnt, at the start of a relationship, talk to each other about fidelity issues and lay ground rules if an open relationship is the way to go. If you choose a closed and mono-relationship, trust your partner. If you suspect, ask. But you must be able to take the result. I sort of regretted I found the truth... But my love for my boy is strong enough to want to trust him again. I just wish he is as trustworthy as he promised he will be. Anyway, he promised he will stay mono and I have to shelf all my negative thoughts and trust him!

Note to myself: Trust!! That's the key to a healthy relationship. As well as a good mental health! Haha...



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