I'm gay and I buaya, you?

Buaya - Malay language for 'Crocodile'. Also used connotatively to describe cheeky men who are into sex... :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Hi guys... Firstly I would like to apologise for my disappearance... A lot had been happening for the past 2 months for me...

As I returned to the Island after my holiday with boy, I was immediately pulled into swirl of work and preparation for CNY. There suddenly seem to have a lot to do and I was simply exhausted... I thought I can rest during CNY but alas... I ended up sleeping late and waking up early daily during the CNY period...

After my CNY holiday, I went back to work only to face the full wrath of this storm/typhoon/hurricane known as 'My boss'... He just battled extra workload, verbal insults etc on me and indeed pushed me to my edge... I was feeling immensely pressured and my depression came back. With full force.

I began to think of quitting to save my life as I was losing my ability to handle my emotions and was beginning to think of suicide to end everything.

Then somehow, I thought I better be doing something I like and began to think about opening a 私房菜馆 or a small eatery since I enjoyed cooking very much. It is now a goal which I want to attain... Waiting to build up capital or finding sugar daddies to invest now, I guess... :p

I talked to my boss one day, as I was seriously thinking of going away before I hang myself in my office. He took my intention to leave rather cooly but asked me to stay on. 'For my own sake', he said... And he promised to keep his temper in check... 'So long as I work to keep deadlines and his 'face' (面子) in mind' for my work...

I thought about things and I agreed that leaving now, especially on impulse, is definitely not good. I should and can learn more things if I stay a little longer...

So, wish me luck! I definitely hope I can have the time and energy (and life!) to blog more often now...

Oh... I brought anpther group of BW guys to some farms over the past weekend... Will post the writeup soon...

Thanks for reading! :)
