Bad temper...
I had been extremely bad tempered towards boy lately... It just seems like he is purposely irritating me... And going against whatever I asked him to do... Everything I like or want, he dun like or dun want etc...
And then we quarrelled over whether to go for short holiday nearby... In the end I think I will go with my friends instead...
Most likely in late July... Just over a weekend... To somewhere nearby...
Could be the weather making me irritable... Could be my job... Dunno exactly why lah... But I will always be happy to see him but the moment he sees me, he starts to irritate me... And recently, he has so many OTs... I also dunno if it is true...
Then I also realised that sometimes, people read one of your actions or intentions wrongly and interprets in another way and then all hell will break loose... And sometimes, you dun even know it is happening... This is a sad and political world afterall, isn't it?
And then there are so many people these days... They just want everything to be done according to THEIR way... I had seen a friend's blog being left nasty comments that are unwarranted just because the fellow reads my friend's blog and is not happy with what he is writing and thinks he 'hao lian'... And of course I encountered people throwing nasty comments at me just because I stood up and tell bloggers what they did was wrong in the comments... What is wrong with people these days??? Cannot take comments, cannot take criticism, cannot take alternative views, cannot tolerate people's views, writings, believes, capabilities... etc... Urrgh!!!...
Sigh... Anyway, I am trying to relax and calm down and not be bothered... With boy and all...
Trying to relax in this crazy world and weather...
And look forward to a farm trip this coming weekend! :)
Thanks for reading... Will post pictures of the trip... :)